A while ago I started to become interested in interior design, sparked by
the Selby and the world of interiors
feature on Hamish Bowles, and became convinced I should change my room.
For a teenager, changing ones room is like moving into adulthood, trying to prove to people that you have mature and civilised taste-- making this "BEDROOM MAKEOVER ZOMG!!!" really cliché and a bit sickening. I've never tried to impress people with a contrived taste, but at 17-- the bedroom you've had since you were 7 does start to represent the phases you wish you could forget (why the 'Hello Kitty' bin? why Marie Antoinette style knick knacks? why the heap of dress up hats?) and so, after much deliberation, I've been promised an eventual "bedroom makeover" sometime by the end of this year.
I'm stuck with the same furniture, which is a pretty standard mahogany dresser and wardrobe, and a bed that represents my Marie Antoinette phase (but is actually pretty standard and plain too-- its white), I don't mind the furniture in my room. So at the least I'll have my room repainted, which is fine (my room is currently a dusty-purple colour, chosen when I was 7).
I just realised how spoilt I'm starting to sound, and I apologise. If you've come this far through the blog, well done-- at least I feel better having somewhat justified my annoying tone. Not to mention, you don't care about what my room looks like-- especially considering i'm not going to show any pictures. Also, i'm getting off track-- this is what I wanted to post:

Is this house not the perfect combination of shabby, clutter, fancy, eclectic and minimal? How does that even work?, those words shouldn't go together so perfectly to describe something. It is the house of my dreams for that reason however. Also, it incorporates my favourite colour, grey ("it's not a colour it's a shade!" blah blah) into almost every room. I've decided I want my house to look like this, when I get my own house. And that's why I decided to post these photos here, to cement them in the interweb, so one day I will rediscover this blog, laugh about my attitude towards my fairly nice room and decide my house should look like my 17 year old dream home. And if that's not enough post-modern nostalgia for you, then I don't know what is.