Saturday, February 28, 2009

Aghhhhhh (hulk noise) HOMEWORK!!!

whine whine whine whine whine whine

honestly though, this assignment is killing me, its due tuesday and its taking forever, i've been at it for 3 hours (or some crazy amount of time like that) and my result is minimal..

right now i am analysing Materialistic voyeurism of Artescape 2489 (this)which requires me to talk about all the "frames" of art, lovely.

then i have PDHPE homework, maths study, science assignment, geography homework, history homework, more art homework... oh and i should probably work on my english thingo.

oh well it serves me right i guess.... though i'm not sure why just yet.. i'll get back to you.

my mouse has been back and forwards from michi girl, fashion toast and my phone... as well as homework too.

oh and i've been muttering "stupid homework" without noticing.

i warned you i would whine, which makes this blog so fascinating doesn't it... *cough*

this is me, only female, not bald and 20 years younger... i'm not a cartoon either incase you haven't noticed.

(photo from

Thursday, February 26, 2009

Julia Nunes

Props go to best-friend Tom for introducing me to her youtube channel.
Shes inspired me to learn 2 new songs on my red uke.

Why if it isn't the.....


A friend of mine came to school today and announced her family bought one, i was jellin' as you can imagine. I tried to go all fashonista (yuck i hate that word, why did i use it?) on her and mentioned it was in a runway show i saw recently... but then i forgot which one it was...yay me.

But honestly are they not the coolest piece of technology around?! sure the new enviro mac book is getting some fuss, but compared to this... well in my mind there is no comparison!

My friend and her family picked theres up for $600-$700, which is pretty cheap considering, you can find some cheapo ones on ebay , but good luck trying to find one for $600+

So, this seems like an odd first proper blog, because frankly i'm more interested in other things... technology really isn't my forté, but i couldn't go past not blogging about this objects wonderfulness. So despite you not knowing anything about me at all, i'm leaving you with my confused technology names and descriptions:

Wii: the shaky white thing that looks like its from 2001 space odyssey .
Nintendo DS: the thing you poke the stick at to make the dog bark.
Xbox: the thing everyone plays the shooting games on, you know with the fat controller?
Sidekick/Hiptop: slidey computer look alike phone thing thats now become your main personality trait.

i've come to a blank....
however i love playstation and ipods, thus i can remember their names. I'm also a sucker for arcade games like Daytona, and House of the Dead.... terrible at DDR.

(image has been taken from

Sunday, February 15, 2009


Ok, so i did have blogs up here before, 5 of them- 5 very boring blogs.... so i'm taking a break and coming back with better things, rather than 2 paragraph boringness.

i'll be back.